Friday, May 30, 2008

New Fabulous Green Product

I am majorly excited about my new green find. It's all natural laundry detergent that a wahm (work at home mom) makes then sells in her store Crunchy Clean. This stuff is amazing! When it arrived, even my mailbox smelled great. I eagerly ran inside and started a load of laundry. It works as well as or better than my old standby Era - and is comparable in price. $8 (plus shipping) for enough detergent for 64 washes (double that for HE machines). Fabulous stuff. It comes in a ziploc bag - I dumped mine into a glass jar, and she will give you a .50 discount on your next order if you return your bag.

She better not ever stop selling this stuff - there just may be a revolt.

If you haven't checked out etsy before you definitely should. I have also ordered from Belle Creek Village - awesome handmade jewelry.

And my friend Cridey has an etsy store: with some cool bags and jewelery.


Crystal from My Ramblings June 1, 2008 at 11:23 PM  

gotta love etsy... you can find so many cool things :)

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